
Green skills barometer

What does the green-skills ecosystem look like in different cities?

Green-skills ecosystem in cities = Environmental awareness + Leadership + Employee imperative

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Note: Barometer scores are normalised scores out of 100. The barometer scores are not intended to highlight that one pillar is more important than the other. The scores represent the relative importance of different drivers for each city. To explore differences at a city level, see the heat map in the city comparison section.


A green edge: green skills for the future

Cities are the epicentre of the climate battle due to their large emissions. Achieving ambitious climate goals will depend on the capabilities and skills of the workforce in cities, who must equip themselves to remain relevant.

In this paper, a survey of 300 executives across six cities—Berlin, London, New York, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo—captures the perception of the green-skills environment in an urban context. Expert interviews and an extensive literature review supplemented the survey findings in developing this paper and the barometer.


Explore the key findings from the research programme to understand the business leaders’ perception of the green-skills ecosystem across six cities.

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